
Inovação Produtiva – Moldit_Inov

Project name | | Moldit_Inov- Capacitação para a evolução na cadeia de valor

Project code | | NORTE-02-0853-FEDER-014477

Main goal | | Reforçar a competitividade das pequenas e médias empresas

Region of intervention | North

Beneficiary | MOLDIT – Industria de Moldes, SA

Approval date | 22-07-2016

Starting date | 01-10-2015

Completion date | 31-01-2017

Total eligible cost | 2 055 537,32 EUR

EU financial support | FEDER – 1 027 768,66 EUR

This project aims to improve the competitiveness and responsiveness of Moldit through the introduction of new manufacturing technologies and the increase of installed production capacity, through the construction of a new production unit for plastic injection, the optimisation of production efficiency in mould production and the reduction of its energy bill.

  1. Growth based on foreign markets;
  2. Strengthening the internal competencies of the Team;
Increase the R&D Capacity.

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