Laser machine calibration

Accuracy and peak performance are the keys to competitive success in today's mold manufacturing environment.

Our customers demand ever tighter tolerances at ever lower costs. Therefore, it is imperative to control all operations on the shop floor, decrease errors and rework, and improve productivity. To meet these challenges, Moldit Industries does its best to maximize the performance of its machine tools, and as a result, laser-based machine tool calibration has never been more important.

At Moldit Industries there is broad consensus that machines should be calibrated when they are first installed, regardless of factory calibration, and regularly thereafter.

Year after year Moldit Industries performs professional laser based calibration of CNC machines with accuracies down to 8 microns – This laser calibration system is capable of evaluating the positioning accuracy of a numerically controlled axis of machine tools and measuring machines by coordinates (CMM) under dynamic conditions. ISO calibration certificates are always available for consultation by our customers.

We make no effort to manufacture premium quality molds.


“Your Ideas, our engineering, your product”

Caption: Calibration tests with laser machine and Promac 5-axis machine.

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